mirrored lies

If every story started with hope, which they most often do, it would give you purpose to keep reading. Right? What if I give you the truth instead; would you finish or would you glance to the end?

When we started, I was like you, curious for what’s on the next page. I did my best to get his attention in the first paragraph of our romance, but like a book with an incredible cover, it was just a ruse. The story underneath was a romance with too many cliché pieces and hopeless love. Even when I folded the corner of the page, it was quickly lost in all the memories.

Like a previous chapter, all the words started looking the same. I knew then this was a story I didn’t need to write.

All the times I held him in selfish greed, I had to find a reason to stop. Even if it was just for him, or if it was for my health, I let him go so I could turn the page once more.

Then I closed our book and looked in the mirror… I see who I want to be, but not who I am.


Broken Vow

